Roof Repair

Delaying Roof Repair Can Make Damage Worse

Free Inspections & Estimates

The roof on your home must stand guard against Mother Nature’s worst: high winds, snow, sleet, hail, rain, fire. Even sunny days harbor danger; the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays chip away at the protective layer on asphalt shingles, leaving them less effective at protecting your home. Blue-green algae is another subtle but effective enemy of your roof. It targets the limestone that makes shingles so durable. 

Roof repair is vital to keep your system in good condition – and it must be done in a timely manner. Damage that isn’t fixed by a reputable roofer can quickly worsen. Shingles that are loosened in one windstorm may be completely torn away by the next one, leading to a leak you won’t know about until you see water stains on your ceiling – or worse.

How Do You Know If You Need Roof Repair?

Some types of damage are visible, like missing shingles, a hole caused by a wind-driven tree branch or dark spots indicating an algae colony. In other instances, it takes a trained professional to diagnose the problem. Call Kase Roofing and you’ll get an experienced technician who will climb a ladder and inspect your entire roofing system. You’ll get a detailed and honest report on what he finds. If roof repair is needed, you’ll also get recommendations for what should be done, along with an estimate for what repairs will cost. And did we mention that inspections and estimates are FREE?

Contact Kase Roofing for Fast, Effective Repairs

Keep your roof in good condition so it can protect your home. Get in touch if you see or suspect problems (like after a severe storm). Call Kase Roofing at (614) 668-8351 or fill out the online form to schedule a service call. We handle emergency roof repairs 24/7!